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dome light--but also general wiring question

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dome light--but also general wiring question Empty dome light--but also general wiring question

Post by crice63 Mon Oct 09, 2017 2:08 am

Something has to be done about the dome light. Right now it's just a crappy looking hole in the headliner with some broken plastic peeking out. I see in my Fisher body manual that the two white solid core wires are factory correct. They seem to feed off to the driver side. Is there any way to test those wires for condition beyond visual inspection? I'd rather not pull them all out of the roof to look at them. In fact, this seems like a good time to inspect all my wiring if there is some way to test circuits without having to unwrap all the harnesses. I do have an electrical gremlin floating around, appearing in a new place after each fix, so maybe I can get rid of it finally.

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dome light--but also general wiring question Empty Re: dome light--but also general wiring question

Post by Hs1973 Mon Oct 09, 2017 12:48 pm

The 2 white wires are indeed for the domelight. There should be 12 volt on one at all times, And the other should have Ground one it when you open either door or turn your headlight switch all the Way to the right, that will turn on the some light and courtesy light under the dash. The some light works when the switch in the doorjambs pop out when the door opens, it then gets grounded and sendes Ground to the domelight.

If you decide to chance the wiring out, its originates from a Big plastic junction located in the left Inner fender just under the rear package shelf.
Hope this helps.
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dome light--but also general wiring question Empty Re: dome light--but also general wiring question

Post by pila Mon Oct 09, 2017 3:23 pm

Right...the inside of the bottom of the trim panel at the rear of the door opening, usually under the carpet & padding, it where I find the connectors. splices etc for the dome light. The base/frame and the lense for the dome light is available in a few places. The tabs for the bulb are separate from the base & available separately..
I believe I bought some of these parts from OPGI, but shopping around can save a few bucks !

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dome light--but also general wiring question Empty Re: dome light--but also general wiring question

Post by clanceman427 Mon Oct 09, 2017 4:11 pm

My dome light wasn't working so I unscrewed the dome light fixture from the roof and discovered that both wires had breaks in them just beyond the fixture that some had 're-twisted them together but never taped it, so corrosion got in there. I cleaned up the wiring, rewrapped it and taped it and it's fine.

Is your dome light installed currently and it's not working? Or did someone yank it out previously?
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dome light--but also general wiring question Empty Re: dome light--but also general wiring question

Post by crice63 Mon Oct 09, 2017 9:50 pm

It looks like someone had taken the dome light and unscrewed it to see what was wrong with it, noticed that one of the wires had broken at the solder to the bulb holder, then shoved the whole thing up into the roof to be out of the way. Now with rust there is no question of resoldering the fixture, plus the housing is cracked and there is no cover, so I will need to do a full replacement. I am wary of all the wiring in this car simply because of time and rust and my gremlin that keeps reappearing.

I have looked into getting some kind of unit that will allow the lights to stay on a bit after the car is off. There seem to be several options and they all install between the dome light and the power source. My two white wires appear to change to black and white and connect to a harness at the top of the fuse box. Still need to look more closely at that.

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