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It's the Great Pumpkin Rally, Charlie Brown!

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It's the Great Pumpkin Rally, Charlie Brown! Empty It's the Great Pumpkin Rally, Charlie Brown!

Post by sccarally Fri Oct 10, 2014 5:40 pm

The Great Pumpkin Rally

Are you ready for a Halloween sign hunt? How about some east Texas scenery? And we have lots of puns for your enjoyment! No special car needed. Just a full tank of gas, pencil and a sense of humor. Course–following will be easy.  All roads are paved.

+  Registration & Start – Sachse Chamber of Commerce/Parks & Recreation Building 5560 Hwy 78, Sachse TX 75048
+  Registration opens at 9:00 am, Saturday, October 25
+  Safety Briefing 10:00 am
+  First Car out 10:31am
+  Ending – Downtown Paris for the Festival of Pumpkins (arts, crafts, antiques, food vendors, and other stuff!)
+  Register at msreg.com/GPR14msr

This is an SCCA GTA (Games, Tours, Adventures) rally.  This is not a timed event, except that you do have an overall amount of time to finish the event.  This time will be generous.  There will be no reason to speed.  Any kind of street-legal four-wheel vehicle with at least two people in the car who can read may enter.

We had 33 entries in our last rally.

Join us!

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It's the Great Pumpkin Rally, Charlie Brown! Empty Re: It's the Great Pumpkin Rally, Charlie Brown!

Post by thatfnthing Sat Oct 11, 2014 3:44 pm

Sounds like fun. Too bad it's 37 states away. Smile
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It's the Great Pumpkin Rally, Charlie Brown! Empty Re: It's the Great Pumpkin Rally, Charlie Brown!

Post by dynchel Sat Oct 11, 2014 3:52 pm

thatfnthing wrote:Sounds like fun.  Too bad it's 37 states away. Smile
Yeah, Dallas is a 21 hour drive from NE ohio. Rolling Eyes
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It's the Great Pumpkin Rally, Charlie Brown! Empty Re: It's the Great Pumpkin Rally, Charlie Brown!

Post by Dinomyte Sat Oct 11, 2014 8:08 pm

That sounds like great fun!! I wish you weren't a whole days drive away.

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It's the Great Pumpkin Rally, Charlie Brown! Empty Re: It's the Great Pumpkin Rally, Charlie Brown!

Post by texan01 Sun Oct 12, 2014 12:49 pm

Those are fun! I've got the only 74-77 Chevelle that ever enters these for the Dallas area, I'm not sure if I'll be able to do this one yet, moving to a new house.

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It's the Great Pumpkin Rally, Charlie Brown! Empty Re: It's the Great Pumpkin Rally, Charlie Brown!

Post by sccarally Sat Oct 18, 2014 11:45 pm

It's only a week until the Great Pumpkin Rally. Preregistration closes on Friday at 6pm. Don't miss this cool drive in the country, ending at a real country town shindig, the Paris Festival of Pumpkins. Gasoline prices and high afternoon temperatures are both going down. A perfect time for a drive. The magic word is msreg.com/GPR14msr.

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