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Storage Empty Storage

Post by BONEZARALLY Sun Nov 07, 2010 11:18 am

What would be the best way to store my 77 Cutlass.Here is what I'm working with i live in a trailer park no gayrage and a two spot parking spot on blacktop.
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Storage Empty Re: Storage

Post by JB2wheeler Sun Nov 07, 2010 11:47 am

How much money ya got? If you have a little money the list is quite long. First the cheap stuff, 6 jackstands under the frame to get the car off the ground. Mothballs in the trunk and under the seats and in the floorboards on cardboard and top of cowl in engine compartment and on the intake manifold. Sticky flypaper type mouse glue trapsinside car and engine compartment. WARNING, glue sheets are virtually impossible to get off if they get on ANY part of your car. Walmart car cover, their sizes tend to run on the small side. Now, for bigger money, you can buy a canvas carport in a 10x20 foot size and smaller at Pep Boys and Sears and many other places for $85 to $125. You can buy a Completely enclosed clear plastic bag with a plastic plumbing pipe frame that has one end that zips open to get your car in it and another company has a simular clear plastic bag that has a ventilation pump to circulate air to prevent condensation. If you are interested in the bags I will hunt up the internet links to them, just let me know. They are not cheap, but worth it if you have more money than I do. JB
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Storage Empty Re: Storage

Post by pila Sun Nov 07, 2010 9:49 pm

The moth balls do help keep the mice away.

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Storage Empty Re: Storage

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