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electric swivel bucket seat?

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electric swivel bucket seat? Empty electric swivel bucket seat?

Post by crice63 Mon Aug 01, 2016 2:57 pm

There is a set of swivel bucket seats for sale on craigslist in Anaheim. My question is: one seat shows a harness coming through the center of the swivel. What is this for? Was there an electric swivel option?

(I've linked to the image below but I assume it will disappear when the ad does? Not good for archives...)

electric swivel bucket seat? 01515_5YhbECRtgkS_600x450

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electric swivel bucket seat? Empty Re: electric swivel bucket seat?

Post by Joe73 Mon Aug 01, 2016 3:06 pm

Seat belt sensor.
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electric swivel bucket seat? Empty Re: electric swivel bucket seat?

Post by clanceman427 Mon Aug 01, 2016 3:49 pm

Joe is correct. The seat with the wiring is the passenger side.
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electric swivel bucket seat? Empty Re: electric swivel bucket seat?

Post by crice63 Mon Aug 01, 2016 8:33 pm

So wouldn't both seats need wiring? The other seat did not seem to have any.

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electric swivel bucket seat? Empty Re: electric swivel bucket seat?

Post by clanceman427 Mon Aug 01, 2016 8:54 pm

Guess the buzzer will always sound if the drivers lap belt is not buckled, and will also sound if the drivers lap belt I'd buckled but it senses weight in the passenger seat and the passenger lap beltis not buckled. Here's a shot of the 73 owners manual explainging it, and also a glimpse of the sensor itself in the passenger lower swivel foam:

electric swivel bucket seat? Imag1522
electric swivel bucket seat? Imag1523
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electric swivel bucket seat? Empty Re: electric swivel bucket seat?

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