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'73 Caprice on eBay.

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'73 Caprice on eBay. Empty '73 Caprice on eBay.

Post by 74MonteCarlo Mon Apr 04, 2011 11:21 am


Gorgeous car.

G3GM Fanatic
G3GM Fanatic

Street Cred : 17

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'73 Caprice on eBay. Empty Re: '73 Caprice on eBay.

Post by JB2wheeler Mon Apr 04, 2011 12:34 pm

Now THATS a real car!!! Its ready to go cruising. Only one thing left to do, get 24 inch rims and tires. JB
G3GM Fanatic
G3GM Fanatic

Street Cred : 28

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'73 Caprice on eBay. Empty Re: '73 Caprice on eBay.

Post by The Dude Mon Apr 04, 2011 12:52 pm

You mean like this, JB?

'73 Caprice on eBay. 1973-Chevrolet-Caprice-360318038240-2-o
The Dude
The Dude

Street Cred : 48

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'73 Caprice on eBay. Empty Re: '73 Caprice on eBay.

Post by 74MonteCarlo Mon Apr 04, 2011 1:11 pm

Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf Barf

G3GM Fanatic
G3GM Fanatic

Street Cred : 17

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'73 Caprice on eBay. Empty Re: '73 Caprice on eBay.

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